“Totalitarian horror about the pitfalls of scouting.” Play based on real events, about an incredible joke hidden in Czech Communist history. The story of the ancient times, when the statues of the Gods stood on Letna (the memorial of J.V. Stalin) and the poor and humble men crouched under its cruelty. Only a few people managed to stand up and fight them. Nineteen-year-old Bedřiška suddenly has symptoms of a strange disease. She can light a fire without the help of Pepo and knows all verses of the song the Up Goes the Flag. Doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists are helpless. The only possible way to save the girl seems to be an ancient practice of exorcism. There is no doubt that the unfortunate girl is obsessed with scouting …
The motive of the most famous Czechoslovak coin, the crown of 1957, has only recently become more widespread. At that time, it became clear that the winning design of the artist Marie Uchytilová was inspired the figure of the persecuted scout leader Bedřiška Synková. So, while the young woman was serving the fourth year of a ten-year sentence for illegal leadership of a scout group, the regime proudly distributed a new coin with her portrait. The artist used her own way to deal with the regime of at a time of “prevailing” cruel totality. The play was nominated for the Best First Production in 2016 Theatre Critics Award.
In the near future, the play will be also available in English.