Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk

Sikorska-Miszczuk has written many pieces for the theatre, making her debut in 2006 with Śmierć Człowieka-Wiewiórki (The Death of the Squirrel Man). Her works include Szajba (Loose Screws), Katarzyna Medycejska (Catherine Medici), Burmistrz (The Mayor), Walizka (The Suitcase), Człowiek z Polski w czekoladzie (Chocolate Covered Pole), Zaginiona Czechosłowacja (Lost Czechoslovakia), Żelazna kurtyna (Iron Curtain), Madonna, Bruno Schulz: Mesjasz (Bruno Schulz: The Messiah), Popiełuszko, Liść, na którym mieszkasz nazywa się Europa, ale to za mało, by żyć (The Leaf You Live On is Called Europe, But That’s Not Enough To Live On), Szeherezada (Scheherazade), Kobro, Album Karla Hoeckera (Album: Karl Hoecker), Pasja według Św. Jacka (The Passion of St. Hyacinth); the play’s for children, Yemaya – Królowa Mórz (Yemaya – Queen of the Seas) and Niezwykła podróż Pana Wieszaka (The Incredible Journey of Mr. Coat-hanger); the screenplay for the animated feature film Tytus, Romek i A’Tomek wśród złodziei marzeń (Tytus, Romek and A’Tomek Versus the Thieves of Dreams) (2003). She is also the co-author of the multilingual play Europa (2013); she wrote the librettos for the opera’s Czarodziejska góra (The Magic Mountain), based on the novel by Thomas Mann (2015), and Człowiek z Manufaktury (The Man from Manufaktura, music K. Brochocka and R. Janiak, 2017); and has written scripts for television, including the Polish version of the sitcom The Nanny, Usta Usta and the Polish version of Sesame Street.

Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk (*1964)