Theatre LETÍ is one of the oldest Czech Independent Theatres that has been focused on new dramaturgy, especially European, since its foundation in 2005. All of its productions are either Czech or World premieres. It often initiates the development of new plays in its residency program. (for example: Anna Saavedra´s ‘Olga – Horrors from Hrádeček’, Roman Sikora´s ‘Confession of a Masochist’, Petr Kolečko´s ‘Poker Face’, Marie Nováková, David Košťák, Joan Yago and Claudia Cedó: ‘CAMPQ’, Bernhard Studlar: ‘iPlay’ and many others).
The theatre doesn’t have its own ensemble and isn’t defined by a single distinctive style by a director. Its goal is to discover new and innovative plays with relevant social topics. It often deals with political topics (‘Confession of a Masochist’, ‘Europe Connexion’) social analysis (‘Against Progress, Against Love, Against Democracy’, ‘CAMPQ’) intergenerational relationship analysis (’And Then Mirna Came’, ‘In the Republic of Happiness’, ‘Poker Face’), problems faced by minorities (‘Small Town Boy’, ‘After Frederic’, ‘HOMO 40’ and others). It also looks into the possibilities of staging new plays such as site specific or immersive theatre (projects: ‘LETÍ na Letišti’ on the V. Havel Airport in Prague, ‘Against Progress, Against Love, Against Democracy’ in DOX Contemporary Art Centre, ‘CAMPQ’ an immersive installation on Štvanice island in Prague for Prague Quadriennale 2019). It continuously initiates projects outside of theatre venues. Apart from its Artistic Director Martina Schlegelová, we regularly cooperate with directors Marián Amsler, Adam Svozil and Daniel Špinar. Since 2005 LETÍ has a permanent residency at Theatre VILA Štvanice. It is a member of the Czech Association of Independent Theatre and the international network Fabulamundi.